NovaBeast Texture (Hypnotique & Latte)
NOTE: The pre-configured material is setup with Poiyomi so be sure to have that in your unity project!
ღ What Will You Get?
ღ Depending on which you get, 1x Unity Package Containing: Pre-Configured Materials with their respective textures. (White on Latte & grey on Hypnotique are emissive for you to play with!
ღ Body Material & Texture
ღ Floof Material & Textures
ღ Eye Material & Textures
By purchasing this, you agree to the following rules and terms of service:
ღ You will not redistribute these files publicly
ღ You can make publics of the texture but please credit me with a link to this texture.
ღ You will not take credit for my work
ღ Please buy legally, I'm poor. Help a girl out.
ღ Discord ----- ch40t1c_n1ghtm4r3
ღ Please ensure you have some understanding of Unity!
ღ This is for TEXTURES ONLY!
ღ Get the avatar with the link below!
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Package Materials
Package Textures
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